On-Demand Making
I put my heart and soul into each bag and garment I make. I feel this is kinder to our environment. My production is an on-demand method of manufacturing, in which I make my goods to order. Please look at my home page for my current lead time.
Everything is made in my studio by me in the Mad River Valley Waitsfield, Vermont USA
People often ask me, “Why did you name your business Reign?” It is really quite simple. I like what the word stands for: to be prevalent and strong, to persist. I also like to think that when you have a Reign Vermont Design, you carry some of this energy with you day to day.
While you are here for your stay on planet earth "reign your life" it is yours to live! Live it well...
P.S. — Please keep sending me your pictures from your travels, your design ideas and stories. I truly treasure them. Your word of mouth to others has been a gift and has helped me to keep doing what I love.